High quality delivery health CROWN-TOKYO

Sleep is important.

2023/08/16 22:44
There have been times when I have been so busy with work that I didn't get enough sleep, and my head felt fuzzy as a result.

I did a lot of research to find ways to manage with less sleep and asked people around me for advice, but someone warned me that it could be dangerous. It turns out that when you sleep, your brain clears out waste products, and if you don't get enough sleep, those waste products can build up and increase the risk of developing dementia.

Realizing the importance of sleep, I have been able to improve my health and quality of life. Even in the midst of a busy schedule, prioritizing sleep has allowed me to lead a more fulfilling life. I want to continue to take care of myself by valuing sleep and protecting my health.

So, if you're ever feeling busy and overworked, please remember to take care of yourself and get enough rest. And if you have trouble falling asleep, I'd be happy to keep you company...

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